Greenfinger Tips Gardening Club – Composting – Thursday 5 October 7.30pm


Calling all gardeners – not to be missed. The next meeting of Green Fingertips Gardening club is on Thursday 5 October in SAND HUTTON AND CLAXTON VILLAGE HALL at 7.30pm. John Clossom an enthusiastic Master Composter will be talking about his favourite subject, composting – all you ever wanted to know and more. Hear about the fundamentals […]


Date: 05/10/2023
Time: 19:30


£10 per annum
Calling all gardeners – not to be missed. The next meeting of Green Fingertips Gardening club is on Thursday 5 October in SAND HUTTON AND CLAXTON VILLAGE HALL at 7.30pm. John Clossom an enthusiastic Master Composter will be talking about his favourite subject, composting – all you ever wanted to know and more. Hear about the fundamentals and tricks of composting and how to get more and better compost!
‘Compost John’ , as he’s known, is a very experienced and enthusiastic Master Composter who founded the highly successful York Rotters in 2004 and, since then, has taught thousands of people about the science and practice of composting.
John’s main job is as a children’s entertainer, ‘Professor Fiddlesticks’, but his biggest love is recycling food and garden ‘waste’. So, we’re in for a lively and interesting run through the what, how and why of composting, including the more unusual subjects of compost toilets and compost funerals.
We look forward to seeing you and , as always, if you’ve any friends who’d like to come along they’d be very welcome.

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