Community Climate Action Group (CCAG)
The group was formed by members of our local community who had an interest how we might move towards zero carbon. Following a public meeting held at Sand Hutton and Claxton Village Hall in April 2023 a small group formed a committee. As a community we could achieve an enormous amount together. Whilst we can wait for government policies and industry standards to drive top-down change, the world needs a more immediate, “bottom-up” ground swell of action.
What is CCAG?
A group of residents who are keen to help the local community do what they can to help tackle climate change. Core to this is helping people understand the steps they can take to improve the energy efficiency of their own property and the cost benefits they could potentially realise.
CCAG focuses on household energy conservation measures and how our villages could reduce our communities’ carbon emissions and contribute to the climate emergency facing us all.
Our Climate Journey
We are now reaching out to the community with the aim of pulling together – residents, businesses, farms, schools, churches, community buildings and groups – to understand what we can all do, individually and as a collective, to make a difference. Everyone has a chance to play their part and we are keen to help play a coordinating / educational / supporting role to achieve this.
To date we have held two public meetings:
26 April 2023
A scene setting meeting details of which can be found on the attached programme.
24 February 2024
A second meeting took place at a Saturday Social in Sand Hutton and Claxton Village Hall. The programme can be found here.
Our Group has been recently awarded £1,500 from the North Yorkshire Council’s Shared Prosperity Fund to expand the reach of our group from Claxton, Sand Hutton and surrounding villages to the whole of South West Ryedale.
Get Involved
We are looking to expand our reach and would like to hear from you if you are interested in taking a pro-active role in helping our community to move towards zero carbon emissions. Please take the attached survey so we can learn more about what you have done as an individual to reduce your carbon footprint.
Over the coming months we intend to hold OPEN MEETINGS where members of our local community can learn more about how to reduce their carbon footprint. Please revisit this page regularly to see what is going on.
Community Climate Action Group News
Report of Community Climate Action Group – Saturday Social 24 February 2024
This Saturday Social attended by approximately 40 people, focused on Climate Action and what individuals could do to reduce their carbon footprint. Organised by the Community Climate Action Group (CCAG) of Sand Hutton, Claxton and surrounding villages, the opening...
Further alterations to reduce the Village Hall’s carbon footprint
We are delighted to have been able to take another step to reduce the Village Hall's carbon footprint thanks to a generous grant from Ryedale District Council's community grant scheme (now subsumed into the North Yorkshire Council). All the existing lighting in the...
Climate Action Group – Sand Hutton, Claxton and Surrounding Villages
Following the launch meeting of our Group on 26 April 2023 at Sand Hutton and Claxton Village Hall, a small steering group of members of our community have met since then to discuss what recommendations can be made to our community to reduce our carbon footprint....
Solar Panel and Battery Project Completed
We are delighted to report that through a generous grant from Energy for All (Centrica) and Ryedale District Council's Locality Budget (many thanks to Cllr Caroline Goodrick, local North Yorkshire councillor)) we have taken the first step in reducing the Village...
Village Hall gains grants for green initiatives
The Village Hall committee has been working diligently over the past few months to reduce the Hall’s carbon footprint by seeking grants to introduce energy savings measures. We are pleased to report that we have been successful in gaining grants for two projects. Find out more about our plans.