Further alterations to reduce the Village Hall’s carbon footprint
We are delighted to have been able to take another step to reduce the Village Hall’s carbon footprint thanks to a generous grant from Ryedale District Council’s community grant scheme (now subsumed into the North Yorkshire Council). All the existing...Climate Action Group – Sand Hutton, Claxton and Surrounding Villages
Following the launch meeting of our Group on 26 April 2023 at Sand Hutton and Claxton Village Hall, a small steering group of members of our community have met since then to discuss what recommendations can be made to our community to reduce our carbon footprint....Solar Panel and Battery Project Completed
We are delighted to report that through a generous grant from Energy for All (Centrica) and Ryedale District Council’s Locality Budget (many thanks to Cllr Caroline Goodrick, local North Yorkshire councillor)) we have taken the first step in reducing the Village...Village Hall gains grants for green initiatives
The Village Hall committee has been working diligently over the past few months to reduce the Hall’s carbon footprint by seeking grants to introduce energy savings measures. We are pleased to report that we have been successful in gaining grants for two projects. Find out more about our plans.