This Saturday Social attended by approximately 40 people, focused on Climate Action and what individuals could do to reduce their carbon footprint. Organised by the Community Climate Action Group (CCAG) of Sand Hutton, Claxton and surrounding villages, the opening remarks were given by Colin Garner who highlighted the work of the Group and how individuals could all make an impact on achieving zero carbon. A copy of his slide presentation can be found HERE
Dr Adam Vaughan, North Yorkshire Council’s Climate Change Officer, then introduced the audience to the Council’s strategy for reducing the carbon footprint not only of its own activities but also what direction communities including businesses and householders should be moving toward to achieve the Council’s objective of being a carbon negative region by 2040. Adam’s presentation can be found HERE
Frank Colenso, one of the key players in Hovingham’s PROJECT PURPLE, talked about the activities of their group to reduce the Hovingham community’s carbon footprint. Started in 2017, the group had shied away from using the term climate action / change in their name as at the time of formation there was still as great deal of scepticism about whether climate change was real or not. Since their formation the world has come to accept that climate change is real and threatens our planet. In the figure below, there is a clear correlation between increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and global temperature.
Eilis Burrows, a member of CCAG then presented on the results of a household survey undertaken by the Group at the end of 2023 where householders were asked to complete a QUESTIONNAIRE
Slides from Eilis’ presentation can be found HERE
Nigel Davies was the next presenter who talked about how he had reduced his household’s carbon footprint by improving insulation, running his vehicle on biodiesel reclaimed from used cooking oil and collecting rainwater for use in watering his garden.
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATES (EPC’s) are required when selling, letting and installation of renewables at a property. Helen Pirozek, YORK EPC, a local EPC assessor, talked about the certification process and how it can be very useful in setting priorities for improving a property’s carbon footprint. Helen talked about the various property bands and that the majority of properties fell below the minimum category C band.
Finally Philip Orton talked about the use of the Hall’s Thermal Imaging Camera, and how he had used it to assess heat losses in a domestic rental property. He described how the Camera can be used to take before and after pictures following insulation improvements. Philips’s presentation can be found HERE
If you want to use the Camera to assess your own property free of charge please contact Philip Orton by email –
A suggested donation of £10 to the Village Hall after use of the camera would be appreciate.