News & Events
Upcoming Events
Next Saturday Social – 18 May 2024 – local metal detectorists to show some of their finds
The next Saturday Social at the Village Hall will feature a short talk by NERDS (N and E Riding Detecting Squad) at 10.15am as well as showing some of their exciting finds. There will be a Fabric and Wool Swop sale, plants stall etc as well as free refreshments. See...
Garden Visit – Ormesby Hall
A guided tour of Ormesby Hall gardens and parkland with Nick Fraser, the Head Gardener for the National Trust Properties. The tour starts at 14.00 and lasts for an hour and a half. We will meet Nick in the car park. The journey from York takes about 80 minutes, with a...
Cake and Company
Cake and Co are having their third get together on Thursday 21 March between 10.00am and 12.00pm at the Village Hall. Come and join in. Tea, coffee and homemade cakes - donations gratefully received. What's not to like!
Superheroes – The Plant Hunters – a talk by Doug Stewart
This talk is a celebration of the lives of the Plant Hunters by Doug Stewart . Plant hunters for the love of rare and unusual plants, went out all over the world, braving hardship, evil warlords and cannibals to bring us so many of the interesting and unusual plants...
CANCELLED – Around the World in 80 Minutes – an Other Lives Theatre Production
Sadly we have had to cancel the Other Lives Theatre event on Friday 15 March 2024 Around the World in 80 Minutes owing to lack of interest. This is very disappointing as it takes a lot of effort by many people to organise events like this. Your Village Hall is the...
Report of Community Climate Action Group – Saturday Social 24 February 2024
This Saturday Social attended by approximately 40 people, focused on Climate Action and what individuals could do to reduce their carbon footprint. Organised by the Community Climate Action Group (CCAG) of Sand Hutton, Claxton and surrounding villages, the opening...
2023 Annual General Meeting of the Village Hall
The 2023 AGM of the Village Hall will take place at 4.30pm, Monday 25 September 2023 in the Village Hall. All are welcome to attend the AGM and learn more about some of the developments in the Hall over the past 12 months. This is also an opportunity to ask the...
We have broadband!
As part of the Village Hall's refurbishment programme, we are pleased to announce, that Broadband is now available throughout the Hall. After considerable research, it was decided that BT Business would provide the service to the Hall which went live on Wednesday 30...
Further alterations to reduce the Village Hall’s carbon footprint
We are delighted to have been able to take another step to reduce the Village Hall's carbon footprint thanks to a generous grant from Ryedale District Council's community grant scheme (now subsumed into the North Yorkshire Council). All the existing lighting in the...
Climate Action Group – Sand Hutton, Claxton and Surrounding Villages
Following the launch meeting of our Group on 26 April 2023 at Sand Hutton and Claxton Village Hall, a small steering group of members of our community have met since then to discuss what recommendations can be made to our community to reduce our carbon footprint....
Solar Panel and Battery Project Completed
We are delighted to report that through a generous grant from Energy for All (Centrica) and Ryedale District Council's Locality Budget (many thanks to Cllr Caroline Goodrick, local North Yorkshire councillor)) we have taken the first step in reducing the Village...
Village Hall gains grants for green initiatives
The Village Hall committee has been working diligently over the past few months to reduce the Hall’s carbon footprint by seeking grants to introduce energy savings measures. We are pleased to report that we have been successful in gaining grants for two projects. Find out more about our plans.
2023 Green Finger Tips Gardening Club Programme
The 2023 Green Finger Tips Gardening Club programme can be found here.
Welcome to our new website
We have been working diligently behind the scenes to build and launch a new website for the Village Hall. Please look at it on a regular basis as new features are posted. The Calendar will provide information about Village Hall bookings. Please let us have your...